Leica Announces Its First Annual Leica Woman Summit Which Will Be Held Online


Leica Announces Its First Annual Leica Woman Summit Which Will Be Held Online


As virtual social events and gatherings are still in maxing out this year, Leica has delivered the full rundown of speakers for the principal Annual Leica Woman Summit which can be gone to for all intents and purposes and is available at no expense!


We may have expected a quick re-visitation of in-face gatherings, meetings, and occasions this year, nonetheless, that is as yet not the situation for some pieces of the world. On the off chance that anything great is to emerged from the previous year, it’s very the move towards getting sorted out virtual occasions and making them more open to individuals who in any case wouldn’t have the option to go for them.


As an augmentation of the Leica Annual Women Foto Project, which as of late reported its champs, the debut culmination will run on April 22, 24, and 25, 2021. It will be held essentially and all talks, conversations, and discussions will be accessible for general society to join in and see totally free of charge. The embodiment of this occasion is to lift and support the expert improvement of ladies in photography by introducing painstakingly chosen industry pioneers as its speakers. A select number of candidates from the 2019 and 2020 Leica Women Foto Project Award will likewise have the chance to get two 20-minute portfolio audits from experienced industry experts, for example, photograph editors from National Geographic, The New York Times, and the sky is the limit from there.


The occasion has a convincing and different setup to instruct in different parts of photography, including talks and introductions from specialists, for example, picture taker Janette Beckman, photography advisor and caretaker Julie Grahame, photographic artist, writer, and the author of Black Women Photographers, Polly Irungu, and others. A portion of the meetings incorporate “Ladies in Focus: Get Your Work Seen”, which is a workshop to assist picture takers with making a portfolio that sticks out, and “The Anatomy of a Photo Business”, where Beckman and Grahame will offer understanding on the most proficient method to assemble an effective system to adapt a purposeful venture.


Leica picture takers, Yana Paskova and Maggie Steber, will likewise run proficient advancement workshops, which require an enrollment expense. These are, “Writing in Photography”, which is a focused on workshop to help picture takers express and understandable themselves while introducing their work, and “Little Pleasures – A Still Life Workshop”, which plunges into the investigation of still life photography.


The full rundown of speakers and the enlistment data can be found on the occasion site.

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